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Objective Benefits of Participation and Involvement in the CPSO

  • Advocacy/Representation at the national, regional and community levels.
  • Participation in strategic work and decisions of the Councils, Bodies and Organs of the Community related to the four ‘freedoms’ – (COTED,COHSOD etc.).
  • ‘Pooling’ of private sector interest in pursuit of financing for strategic initiatives, including support to the ‘Strategic Project Investment Facility (SPIF)’.
  • Private sector participation in the development of the Community’s institutional architecture, institutional legal norms and capacity critical to the functioning of the CSME (e.g. FDA-type Institution).
  • Targeted focus on realizing the possibilities inherent in the full freedom of movement of labour, within the shortest possible timeframe.
  • Better coordination and facilitation among regional private sector entities on priority policies, measures, interventions, and projects related to the CSME.

Expected Concrete Outcomes of Participation and Involvement in the CPSO

  • Through Advocacy and ‘Joined-Up’ action, increased opportunities for overcoming bottlenecks to ‘Doing Business’, investments, intra-regional trade, and movement of key factors necessary for enabling business opportunities.
  • Through relationship building and networking, expansion of value chains and value networks.
  • Enhanced competitiveness through support to critical ‘missing/nascent’ infrastructure/components of regional ‘trade corridors’.
  • Provision of and access to Resolution Reference Services to resolve disputes among members of the CARICOM Private Sector in respect of issues related to CSME events.
  • Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade (NTBs) and administratively burdensome practices that impede trade and investment in the CSME.
  • Undertaking of specialized technical research to bolster private sector positions on issues relating to private sector trade and investment (goods, services, capital and labour, rules-related regimes (i.e. government procurement, contingent rights).